Правила оформления материалов симпозиума, которые будут опубликованы к его началу, а также возможности проживания и другую полезную информацию можно узнать у Александра Петровича Сухорукова (suchor@mail.ru).
После проведения симпозиума планируется двухдневная поездка в пустынные районы Прикаспийской низменности, где участники могут оценить разнообразие многих представителей порядка, относящимся к семействам Chenopodiaceae, Polygonaceae, Plumbaginaceae и др.
International Symposium on Core Caryophyllales: Perspectives in Phylogeny and Systematics
Russian Botanical Society
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Department of Higher Plants
First announcement
The aim of the Symposium is to discuss the phylogeny, systematics and taxonomy of the core Caryophyllales. The Symposium will take place in Moscow, at the Biological Faculty of Lomonosov State University from 24th to 29th September 2012. The registration day is 24th September. The Symposium will include plenary lectures and section presentations. The whole program will be sent to all participants in March 2012. A two-day field trip is planned after the Symposium to the Northern Caspian semi-deserts (in Volgograd Province and Kalmykia) for participants and accompanying persons to experience the rich diversity of Chenopodiaceae and other families.
Organization committee
- Dr. Prof. Alexander K. Timonin (Chair), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- Dr. Prof. Vladimir S. Novikov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- Dr. Prof. Nikolay N. Tzvelev, Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Dr. Alexander Sukhorukov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- Dr. Alexey V. Troitsky, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- Dr. Geoffrey Harper, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK
- Secretary: Dr. Maya V. Nilova.
Major Symposium Topics
- Molecular systematics of core Caryophyllales
- Evolutionary trends in reproductive biology, morphology and anatomy
- Taxonomy of the order
Special topics
- A new treatment of Chenopodiceae/Amaranthaceae of Russia and neighbouring states (in the area of the former USSR): taxonomy, systematics, distribution
- Diversification of Caryophyllales: an innovative project concerning all trends of evolution in the order
Submission of papers
Contributions are to be in correct English, and should give the title, author name(s), institution, and e-mail address. The paper (with tables or diagrams on separate pages) should not exceed 7 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt, double-spaced, not indented). Only species names are to be italicized. References in the text should be cited in the usual form: e.g. Jalas & Suominen (1980), or (Jalas & Suominen 1980).
- Journal titles: Aellen, P. 1939: Die Atriplex-Arten des Orients. – Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 70(1): 1–65.
- Books and chapters: El Hadidi, M.N. & Hosni, H.A. 2000: Flora aegyptiaca 1(1): 1–187. – Cairo: Palm Press.
- Friis, I. & Gilbert, M.G. 2000: Chenopodiaceae. – In: S. Edwards & al. (eds.), Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea 2(1): 277–298. – Addis Ababa & Uppsala: Addis Ababa University & Uppsala University.
Papers should be submitted to Alexander Sukhorukov (suchor@mail.ru).
Deadline: 30th April 2012.
Registration fee: 1000 Russian Ruble (about 25 Euro, or 35 USD).
Invitations and accommodation
In most cases, participants coming to Russia for the Symposium need to obtain letters of invitation. To obtain them, you are kindly requested to send us the following information before 1st of April 2012:
- your name
- your postal address and passport details (including the page with photograph)
- duration of stay in the Russian Federation
Please pay the fee for the invitation letter sent from Moscow University to participants (about Euro 20) at registration on 24th September 2012.
Guest rooms are located in the Main Building of Moscow State University. At present the price for a single room is 1000-2000 Ruble (ca. 25-50 Euro) per night, for a double room from 2000 Ruble. Otherwise there are several 3-5-star hotels situated near Moscow University (a list can be supplied on request). Booking for guest rooms at the University must be confirmed before 1st April 2012.