Национальная Сеть Аспирантур по Нейронаукам (БиоН)

6 октября, 15.30
Igor Timofeev, Universite Laval (Quebec, Canada)
Игорь Тимофеев, Университет Лаваля, Канада
Origin of cortical slow waves (Природа медленно-волновой активности коры)
Slow-wave sleep is characterized by a slow oscillation (<1 Hz) that appears as an alternation of active (UP) and silent (DOWN) states. Synchronous neuronal activity during slow oscillation generates EEG slow waves. How does this activity start and terminate when all neurons are in the same state? Does thalamus play a role in the generation of slow waves? Do human and animal brains generate slow waves in the same way? These questions will be discussed during this presentation.
Лекция на русском и английском языке, пройдет в ауд. 462 каф. ВНД.
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