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Краткий практический курс «Molecular phylogenies to answer ecological questions»

Мар 31, 2015
Краткий практический курс будет проведен в рамках нового российско-итальянского проекта поддержанного РФФИ. Занятия будут проходить на Биологическом факультете МГУ. Курсы бесплатные. Количество участников ограничено. Рабочий язык английский. Приветствуется наличие некоторого опыта и задела в молекулярной таксономии и филогении.

Заявку на участие отправлять до 15 апреля Вячеславу Иваненко ivanenko.slava@gmail.com   т.9153201967

Two-day course at Moscow State Univ

Molecular phylogenies to answer ecological questions

Diego Fontaneto



Defining units of diversity, disentangling the evolutionary history of a species, assessing the phylogenetic structure of communities are all pressing questions in ecology. Molecular phylogenies represent a pivotal help in unravelling them.

The two-day course will be devoted to: (1) providing a brief overview of the phylogenetic methods and software to obtain molecular phylogenies from DNA sequence data; (2) outlining the use the phylogenies as a base for DNA taxonomy.

During the course, students will be exposed to different ideas, rationale, methods, tools, and software that will widen their toolkit for their own research activities. Great emphasis will be placed on the use of the statistical software R to handle data and to perform specific statistical tests. All software used for the course is free and can be downloaded from the web.

Maximum number of participants: 10


May 12th, overview of phylogenetic methods

morning, 2 hours lecture

May 13th, methods in DNA taxonomy morning, 2 hours lecture

  • DNA taxonomy (how to use phylogenies to identify and delimit species)

afternoon, 3 hours practice, each one with its own laptop (or in a computer room), with these softwares installed (all freely available online)

  • R (package ape, splits)

  • and connected online to use other methods remotely

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