Приглашаем студентов, аспирантов и сотрудников факультета, желающих усовершенствовать мастерство научной коммуникации на английском языке.
Занятия будут проходить по пятницам, ПЕРВОЕ занятие — 2 марта.
Место проведения — интерактивная аудитория № 389. Начало в 18-00.
Занятия ведёт Анастасия Шарапкова, к.ф.н., сотрудник Аналитической службы МГУ, преподаватель филологического факультета. Запись на спецкурс — по адресу warapkova@mail.ru
The presentation of scientific knowledge and research is an important part of a researcher’s career. Science is COMMUNICATED through words and by words. The course will cover but is not limited to the following topics:
- The basics of phonetics and rhetoric for scientific communication, using your voice, intonation. Body language and eye contact.
- Presentation skills: knowing you audience, dealing with nerves, knowing the format, planning the presentation, knowing how the memory works
- Differences between a written and a spoken word
- The great speeches of politicians, scientists and communicators. Finding targets and shaping your style
- Types and presentations in science and various linguistic tools
- How to open a presentation: typical and creative ways
- How to close a presentation
- How to use and refer to visual aids
- Handling the discussion: preparing for the question-and-answer session, being the chair of the session, handling disasters and other technical problems.
- Poster presentations, networking, and solving problems together
- Communicating with the editors: persuading, turning down the comments and being polite.