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Начинается новый спецкурс: Academic communication course: «From a sound to the speech»

Проект "Английский для биологов" анонсирует новый спецкурс: Academic communication course: "From a sound to the speech". Онлайн-трансляция.

Приглашаем студентов, аспирантов и сотрудников факультета, желающих усовершенствовать мастерство научной коммуникации на английском языке.  

Занятия будут проходить по пятницам, ПЕРВОЕ занятие — 2 марта.  

Место проведения — интерактивная аудитория № 389. Начало в 18-00. 

Занятия ведёт Анастасия Шарапкова, к.ф.н., сотрудник Аналитической службы МГУ, преподаватель филологического факультета.  Запись на спецкурс — по адресу warapkova@mail.ru

The presentation of scientific knowledge and research is an important part of a researcher’s career. Science is COMMUNICATED through words and by words. The course will cover but is not limited to the following topics:

  1. The basics of phonetics and rhetoric for scientific communication, using your voice, intonation. Body language and eye contact. 

  2. Presentation skills: knowing you audience, dealing with nerves, knowing the format, planning the presentation, knowing how the memory works

  3. Differences between a written and a spoken word

  4. The great speeches of politicians, scientists and communicators. Finding targets and shaping your style

  5. Types and presentations in science and various linguistic tools

  6. How to open a presentation: typical and creative ways

  7. How to close a presentation

  8. How to use and refer to visual aids

  9. Handling the discussion: preparing for the question-and-answer session, being the chair of the session, handling disasters and other technical problems.

  10. Poster presentations, networking, and solving problems together

  11. Communicating with the editors: persuading, turning down the comments and being polite.

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